

  • What is PinProfile?
    PinProfile is a people search engine. It retrieves its information from deep web and popular search networks and group those results into profiles. Profiles are attached to locations, set of skills, tags.
  • What does the name PinProfile signify?
    The results of any search are organized as profiles that can be “pinned” to a folder. Simulating real life way or organized profiles/CVs will make the experience more fun. That is why we choose the name!
  • How PinProfile is different from others?
    PinProfile offer full searching capabilities based on many criteria such as location, skills, tags and work history. We offer also collaborative platform for people to share their findings with peers, colleagues and partners. The sharing mechanism can be done through social networks such as facebook and linkedin or through our own system.
  • How does PinProfile work?
    PinProfile gather information from deep web about people, organize it, group it and index it. PinProfile will extract relevant information and identify each of them to a predefined field (location, skills, company name, …etc). Users can search online to find candidates.
  • How to start using PinProfile?
    Easy, you can use the service without logging in by going to the site and trying to search. If you want to use collaborative and social features then you have to login.
  • How to login with PinProfile?
    You can login there either through your facebook or linkedin accounts. You can also register on the site if you don’t want to use your facebook/linkedin and receive activation code to use it when logging in for the first time.
  • What are the advantages for PinProfile?
    • Search Engine for people only.
    • Get most of the skills attached to people.
    • Browse all of their online identities
    • Share profiles with colleagues
    • Access system on facebook or linkedin
    • Organize profiles into folders that can be shared with collegues/friends.